SECTION THREE: Dealing with Demons
How demons get in
Demons enter through ‘open doors’ in our lives. What follows is a list of some of the possible entry points.
1. Sin
Sins of COMMISSION (Willful sin)
Ananias & Sapphria – Acts 5:1-11
Because of their sin, they opened themselves up to be filled with spirits of covetousness, lying and deceit. The same thing can happen to anyone who sins willfully.
Galatians 5:19-21 lists the fruits of living according to the flesh. Each of these presents an open door for the enemy. When we willfully sin in the flesh, we create an entry point for demons.
Our problem then becomes two-fold: The flesh and the devil. But the solution is also two-fold: crucify the flesh and deliverance.
Sins of OMISSION (Failure to do what is right)
The Parable of the Unjust Servant - Matthew 18:23-35
Although he is personally forgiven a great debt, he refuses to forgive a small debt. God brings judgment him for this refusal, and delivers him over to ‘tormentors’ (KJV). Is it unreasonable to suggest that a demon could easily be described as a ‘tormenter’? Unforgiveness (sin of omission) opens the doors to bitterness, hatred, resentment and related spirits.
2. Life Circumstances
Evil spirits have no sense of fairness, and easily take advantage of weakness. One period in life when people are most vulnerable to weakness is childhood. God has established parents as protectors over children, but when there is failure in parenting, a child remains vulnerable to evil spirits.
One effective tool of evaluation is to ask questions about childhood.
How was your relationship with your parents?
Were there drugs or alcohol in the home?
Pornography? Sexual sin? Molestation?
Poverty? Greed? Workaholism? Materialism? Parental laziness?
Divorce? Affairs? Adultery?
Religious spirits? Perfectionism? Legalism? Permissiveness?
3. Generational Sin
Have you accepted the lies of the previous generation?
Racism? Mental illness? Is everyone out to get you? Mistrust of authority?
We must reject the lies and believe the truth.
“He chose our inheritance for us…” Psalms 47:4a
“I have come that you may have life, life to the full…” John 10:10b
How to determine the need for deliverance
1. Discerning of spirits – 1 Corinthians 12:10
Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and operating in the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits, enables the believer to ‘see’ deeper than externals in order to evaluate the source of a person motivations.
2. Detection of spirits
- Emotional problems: Persistent or recurring disturbances such as resentment, hatred, anger, fear, rejection (feeling unwanted or unloved), self-pity, jealousy, depression, worry, inferiority and insecurity.
- Mental illness: Disturbances in the mind or thought life, such as mental torment, procrastination, indecision, compromise, confusion, doubt, rationalization and loss of memory.
- Speech: Outbursts or uncontrolled use of the tongue. Including lying, mocking, cursing, blasphemy, and gossip.
- Sex problems: Recurring unclean thoughts and acts concerning sex. Including fantasy sex experiences, compulsive masturbation, lust, perversions, lust, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, incest, harlotry, and provocativeness.
- Addictions: Nicotine, alcohol, drugs, medicines, caffeine, food, etc.
- Physical infirmities: Many diseases and physical afflictions are due to spirits of infirmity. See Luke 13:11. There is a close relationship between deliverance and healing ministries.
- Religious errors: Involvement to any degree in religious error can open the door to demons. Even possession of objects of false religions can attract demons. Included in this is: False religions (Eastern, pagan and mind sciences), Christian cults (Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Unity, etc.), Occult and Spiritism (Séances, witchcraft, magic, ouija boards, palmistry, horoscope, etc.)
- False doctrine: 1 Timothy 4:1 warns of the rise of false doctrines in the last days. Included in this would be issues concerning the identity of Jesus Christ, the authority of Scripture, creating division in the body of Christ, ‘special knowledge’ for spirituality, etc.
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