Friday, November 18, 2005

SECTION FIVE: Common Demon Groupings

SUPPLEMENT: Common demon groupings
In Frank and Ida Mae Hammond’s book Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance (ISBN 0892280271), they suggest the following list as a guide to common demon groupings that they’ve experiencing in their ministry:

Resentment Hatred Unforgiveness Violence Temper
Anger Rage Retaliation Murder

Self-will Stubbornness Disobedience Rebelliousness

Contention Bickering Argument Quarreling Fighting

Possessiveness Dominance Witchcraft

Destruction Spite Hatred Sadism Hurt

Judging Criticism Faultfinding

Fear of rejection Self-rejection

Inferiority Self-pity Loneliness Timidity Shyness
Inadequacy Ineptness

Envy Suspicion Distrust Selfishness

Pouting Daydreaming Fantasy Pretension Unreality

Indifference Stoicism Passivity Sleepiness Alcohol

Funk Indifference Listlessness Lethargy

Despair Despondency Discouragement Defeatism Dejection
Hopelessness Suicide Death Insomnia Morbidity

Gloom Burden Disgust

Anxiety Fear Dread apprehension

Tension Headache Nervous habits Restlessness Excitement
Insomnia Roving

Self-awareness Fear of man Fear of disapproval

Unfairness Fear of judgment Sensitiveness Fear of accusation Fear of reproof
Fear of condemnation

Insanity Madness Mania Retardation Senility
Schizophrenia Paranoia Hallucinations

Jealousy Envy Suspicion Distrust Persecution
Fears Confrontation

Frustration Incoherence Forgetfulness

Unbelief Skepticism

Procrastination Compromise Confusion Forgetfulness Indifference

Self-delusion Self-seduction Pride

Confusion Fear of man Fear of failure Occult spirits Spiritism spirits

Intellectualism Rationalization Pride Ego

27. FEARS (All kinds)
Phobias Hysteria

28. FEAR OF AUTHORITY Lying Deceit

Ego Vanity Self-righteousness Haughtiness Importance

Theatrics Playacting Sophistication Pretension

Stealing Kleptomania Materialism Greed Discontent

Pride Vanity Ego Frustration Criticism
Irritability Intolerance Anger

Driving Argument Pride Ego

Agitation Frustration Intolerance Resentment Criticism

False responsibility False compassion

Sorrow Heartache Heartbreak Crying Sadness

Tiredness Weariness Laziness

38. INFIRMITY May include any disease or sickness


Physical Emotional Mental Curses

Restlessness Driving Pressure

Blasphemy Course jesting Gossip Criticism Backbiting
Mockery Belittling Railing

Nicotine Alcohol Drugs/Medications Food Caffeine

Nervousness Compulsive eating Resentment Idleness
Frustration Self-pity Self-reward

Self-hatred Self-condemnation

Condemnation Shame Unworthiness Embarrassment

Lust Fantasy lust Masturbation Homosexuality Lesbianism
Adultery Fornication Incest Harlotry Rape
Exposure Frigidity

Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian Science Theosophy Rosicrucianism Urantia
Subud Latihan Unity Mormonism Unitarianism
Lodges, societies that use the Bible and God as a basis but omit the blood atonement of Jesus Christ

Ouija board Palmistry Handwriting analysis ESP
Hypnotism Horoscope Automatic writing Levitation Fortune telling
Water witching Tarot cards Pendulum Black magic White magic
Conjuration Incantation Charms Fetishes

Ritualism Formalism Legalism Doctrinal obsession
Seduction Fear of God Fear of Hell Doctrinal error Religiosity

Séance Spirit guide Necromancy

Buddhism Taoism Hinduism Islam Shintoism

SECTION FOUR: Getting and Staying Free From Demons

We’ve raised a number of important issues in this study – all of which are very personal and close to home. In fact, some of the points are fairly frightening, unless we move to the next step – getting free and staying free from demons. And as believers, we can be EXCEEDINGLY CONFIDENT that we have what it takes in Christ to effect deliverance and to live free, both for those we minister to, and for ourselves.

Experiencing deliverance
1. Honesty
One must be honest with himself and with God in order to receive God’s blessing of deliverance. Refusing to own up to our sin and brokenness is to stay in the darkness (1 John 1:6) and to deny God the opportunity to heal us. Any sin not confessed or repented of gives the demon spirits a legal right to remain.

Psalms 32:5
Psalms 139:23-24

2. Humility
Humility recognizes that one is dependent upon God and His provisions for dependence.

James 4:6-7
James 5:16

3. Repentance
Repentance is a determined walking away from sin. God works powerfully in an atmosphere of true repentance! So long as we romance and make excuses for our sin, God cannot work. We must come to a place where we see sin for what it is, and truly hate it! See Ezekiel 20:43

The great thing is that repentance comes from our right relationship with God. Because of His kindness, we repent. See Romans 2:4b

4. Renunciation
Renunciation is evidence that one has genuinely repented. It is the action that follows repentance. When I repent of drunkenness, renunciation is demonstrated by the action of no longer drinking alcohol.

Matthew 3:7-8

If one is repenting of lust, he destroys the pornography – or sets up – a ‘porn-free’ filter on his computer.

If one is repenting of false religions, she destroys the literature and paraphernalia of that religion.

Renunciation is a practical act that demonstrates repentance. See Acts 19:18-19

Dr. Neil Anderson’s book, The Bondage Breaker (ISBN 0736902414), provides a very excellent set of renunciation statements breaking the connection that happens in the spirit world between you and demonic through false religions/world-views.

5. Forgiveness (This step cannot be skipped or avoided)
God freely forgives all who confess openly their sin and seek forgiveness through Christ Jesus. See 1 John 1:9

He also expects us as recipients of forgiveness to grant forgiveness to those who have harmed us. See Matthew 6:14-15

To seek after deliverance requires that we not only receive His forgiveness, but that we grant forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of unforgiveness and to enable you to willfully choose to grant forgiveness.

6. Prayer
Ask God to deliver you and to set you free.

Joel 2:32

7. Warfare against the enemy
Prayer and warfare are two separate activities. Prayer is to God. Warfare is against the enemy.

Our warfare is spiritual in nature – See Ephesians 6:10-12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Use the weapons of…
- Our submission to God – James 4:7
- The Word of God – Ephesians 6:17
- The Blood of Christ - Revelation 12:11

Identify the spirits, address them by name in a commanding voice, and in faith command them to go in the name of Jesus.

Enter the battle with determination and assurance of victory. Christ cannot fail, He is the Deliverer!

Mark 16:17
Luke 10:19
Psalms 18:2

SECTION THREE: Dealing with Demons

SECTION THREE: Dealing with Demons

How demons get in
Demons enter through ‘open doors’ in our lives. What follows is a list of some of the possible entry points.

1. Sin
Sins of COMMISSION (Willful sin)
Ananias & Sapphria – Acts 5:1-11

Because of their sin, they opened themselves up to be filled with spirits of covetousness, lying and deceit. The same thing can happen to anyone who sins willfully.

Galatians 5:19-21 lists the fruits of living according to the flesh. Each of these presents an open door for the enemy. When we willfully sin in the flesh, we create an entry point for demons.

Our problem then becomes two-fold: The flesh and the devil. But the solution is also two-fold: crucify the flesh and deliverance.

Sins of OMISSION (Failure to do what is right)
The Parable of the Unjust Servant - Matthew 18:23-35

Although he is personally forgiven a great debt, he refuses to forgive a small debt. God brings judgment him for this refusal, and delivers him over to ‘tormentors’ (KJV). Is it unreasonable to suggest that a demon could easily be described as a ‘tormenter’? Unforgiveness (sin of omission) opens the doors to bitterness, hatred, resentment and related spirits.

2. Life Circumstances

Evil spirits have no sense of fairness, and easily take advantage of weakness. One period in life when people are most vulnerable to weakness is childhood. God has established parents as protectors over children, but when there is failure in parenting, a child remains vulnerable to evil spirits.

One effective tool of evaluation is to ask questions about childhood.
How was your relationship with your parents?
Were there drugs or alcohol in the home?
Pornography? Sexual sin? Molestation?
Poverty? Greed? Workaholism? Materialism? Parental laziness?
Divorce? Affairs? Adultery?
Religious spirits? Perfectionism? Legalism? Permissiveness?

3. Generational Sin
Have you accepted the lies of the previous generation?
Racism? Mental illness? Is everyone out to get you? Mistrust of authority?

We must reject the lies and believe the truth.

“He chose our inheritance for us…” Psalms 47:4a
“I have come that you may have life, life to the full…” John 10:10b

How to determine the need for deliverance

1. Discerning of spirits – 1 Corinthians 12:10
Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and operating in the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits, enables the believer to ‘see’ deeper than externals in order to evaluate the source of a person motivations.

2. Detection of spirits
- Emotional problems: Persistent or recurring disturbances such as resentment, hatred, anger, fear, rejection (feeling unwanted or unloved), self-pity, jealousy, depression, worry, inferiority and insecurity.
- Mental illness: Disturbances in the mind or thought life, such as mental torment, procrastination, indecision, compromise, confusion, doubt, rationalization and loss of memory.
- Speech: Outbursts or uncontrolled use of the tongue. Including lying, mocking, cursing, blasphemy, and gossip.
- Sex problems: Recurring unclean thoughts and acts concerning sex. Including fantasy sex experiences, compulsive masturbation, lust, perversions, lust, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, incest, harlotry, and provocativeness.
- Addictions: Nicotine, alcohol, drugs, medicines, caffeine, food, etc.
- Physical infirmities: Many diseases and physical afflictions are due to spirits of infirmity. See Luke 13:11. There is a close relationship between deliverance and healing ministries.
- Religious errors: Involvement to any degree in religious error can open the door to demons. Even possession of objects of false religions can attract demons. Included in this is: False religions (Eastern, pagan and mind sciences), Christian cults (Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Unity, etc.), Occult and Spiritism (Séances, witchcraft, magic, ouija boards, palmistry, horoscope, etc.)
- False doctrine: 1 Timothy 4:1 warns of the rise of false doctrines in the last days. Included in this would be issues concerning the identity of Jesus Christ, the authority of Scripture, creating division in the body of Christ, ‘special knowledge’ for spirituality, etc.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

SECTION TWO: Myths About Demons

Myth #1: Christians cannot be demonized.

Not true. When you came to Christ, He renewed your spirit by placing His Spirit within. However, your soul (mind, emotions, will) and body can still be places where demons can negatively affect you.

Myth #2: People are “possessed” by demons.

Not true. “Possessed” implies rather strongly that all control is given over to demons, and nothing is to be done about it. The term ‘demon possessed’ is commonly – and incorrectly used – in many older translations and even the NIV to describe a demon(s) living inside a person.

However, the Greek word - daimonizomai daimonizomai – more accurately translated would be to ‘have a demon’. Clearly, the difference is obvious.

Demons cannot totally control a person all the time. A better translation would be ‘demonized’ which speaks of be afflicted or affected by demons, but not utterly controlled by them.

Myth #3: Deliverance is a one-shot deal.

Not true. Some times a person can be freed up simply and quickly. But other times, it seems to be more of a process a waging war against Satan. When you read the story of Jesus freeing the Gerasene demoniac in Luke 8 you’ll see that Jesus “was commanding…” the demons to leave. Implying that it took some time and effort.

Myth #4: Demonization is simply psychological illness.

Not true. Demonization and mental illness frequently (but not always) go hand in hand. But, to demand that demonization is simply another word for psychological illness denies a number of realities:
1. The spirit world
2. The spiritual war
3. Evil as a present and personal force

Ultimately, demonization is more than mental illness, it is the intentional efforts of God’s enemies to disrupt and defeat God’s people.

Myth #5: All emotional problems are caused by demons.

Not true. In fact, if can be just the opposite. Emotional problems can create opportunities for demons to invade. They seek weakness and vulnerability. Emotional problems can be the result numerous ‘reasons, including but not limited to: chemical imbalances, improper responses to stress and life-circumstances, or genetic predisposition. But demons are opportunistic and will take advantage of any crack in our armor.

Myth #6: Emotional problems are either psychological or demonic.

Not true. This isn’t an either/or issue. Sometimes emotional problems are the result of both. Those with a naturalist bent, want to blame problems on naturalistic reason. Those who a spirit base, want to blame problems on demons. But sometimes it is a combination of both.

Our aim is to bring healing regardless of the cause. Therefore, as we minister, we minister to the spiritual needs and to the physical or emotional needs. We want to care for the whole person.

Demons are like rats. They go where there is food. So, we are equipped to get rid of the rats (deliverance), but we must also help the person get rid of the food that feeds the rats (emotional healing).

Myth #7: Demonization is uncommon in the USA.

Not true.

The USA has become a major world center for:
Occult Practices (Wicca, Astral projection, Psychic, Palm readers, numerology, ouiji boards, guided meditation, vampires, voodoo, Santeria, goth, etc.)
Eastern religions (Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, etc.)
Satanism is on the increase.

Psychology seeks to provide answers to all emotional and emotional problems. However, psychology denies the spiritual nature of man and instead seeks to find human-based understanding of all such problems.

In addition to this, western Christians have an incredible lack of knowledge and understanding of the reality of the spirit realm and the nature of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6). This is because the western church has bought into western rationalism and largely denied the reality of the spirit world.

Don’t you think that this environment sets us up to be invaded by forces that we do not recognize because we are predisposed to NOT believe in their existence?

Myth #8: Those with demons are guilty of spiritual rebellion.

Not necessarily true.
Jesus never blamed people for having demons. Those Christians who are demonized are likely to some of the most faithful, courageous believers who genuinely love Jesus and cannot seem to get free of the hold that Satan’s demons have on them.

Christians do not need to have guilt heaped on them (Romans 8:1). Instead they need to be helped to believe that John 8:32 is true.

Myth #9: Only those with ‘special giftings’ can cast out demons.

Not true. In fact, nowhere in scripture is given a description of someone having the ‘gift of exorcism’ or ‘gift of deliverance’.

Jesus worked in the power of the Holy Spirit to free people from demons. He then gave His disciples authority to cast out demons (Luke 9:1). Later He gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit that is the same power source He used to minister deliverance. Since we have been given the same Holy Spirit, we should anticipate that we can work in that same power to bring people to freedom.

Myth #10: Those who hear ‘inner voices’ or who have Multiple Personalities Disorder
(MPD) are demonized.

Not true. Not all problems are demonic in origin. MPD is a condition where the individual develops numerous separate personalities within, usually as an escape from horrific abuse. We need to pray for and seek after the gift of discernment as we minister to people. For more info on MPD read: Uncovering The Mystery of MPD, by Dr. James Friesen.

Myth #11: Deliverance always involves a big fight.

Not true. Luke 10:17
Demons will only be able to do, what the minister of deliverance will allow. Take authority. Tell the demons to be quiet and bind them against doing harm, all in the Name of Jesus.

Myth #12: The demonized will speak in a different voice.

Not necessarily true. Demons who have a stronger grip on the person may be able to use an alternative voice, frequently mimicking the voice of someone who is dead, but again, we have authority to silence them and to free their victim.

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity,
but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

We need not fear demons.

1. We are God’s children – 1 John 5:19

2. We are Christ’s church - Matthew 16:18

3. We are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit – 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, November 07, 2005

SECTION ONE: An Introduction to Demons

SECTION ONE: An Intro to Demons

Are Satan and demons real?

Ephesians 6:10-13 (Also 1 Peter 5:8-9, James 4:7, 1 John 5:19)

God is calling us to a proper view of reality. Our western rationalism has denied the reality of the spiritual realm. We’ve decided that unless something can be experienced through the five natural senses, it cannot be real. But, as Believers, we must allow Him to transform our minds (Romans 12:1-2) in order that we can have eyes to see and ears to hear things as they really are (2 Kings 6:17). This is known as a paradigm shift.

Where did they come from?

Isaiah 14:12-15 (Ezekiel 28:11-19)
A large number of angels fell – Revelation 12:4, 7-9

What do they do?

Invade people’s lives – Mark 1:21 (note: “possessed” {NIV} is not in the Greek)

- Bringing different personalities that are destructive to the life of the true person.
- Some of the personalities are stronger in power than others.
- “We can assume demons’ primary concern is to disrupt and, if possible, cripple anyone or anything that might be a threat to Satan’s domination over the world. Their guns are aimed at individuals, groups, and organizations that seek to advance God’s purposes. They produce ‘strongholds’ in people’s minds (2 Corinthians 10:4) and probably in other places as well. They attack Christian ministries and are agents of doctrinal aberrations (1 Timothy 4:1). They affect health (Luke 13:11), perfects affect weather (Luke 8:22-25), and even have “the power over death” (Hebrews 2:14), through they have no power except that allowed them by God.” Charles Kraft Defeating Dark Angels
- See also Matthew 12:43-45

What are we to do?

The Bible takes them seriously. In fact, Jesus saw dealing and defeating them as
His – and our – primary mission. Luke 4:18-19

“Neither Jesus nor other New Testament characters seemed alarmed by Satan’s activities. They dealt with them matter of factly, knowing God’s power is infinitely greater than that of the enemy.” Charles Kraft Defeating Dark Angels

Why should we seek to understand demons?

We are called to minister freedom to those held in Satan’s captivity, this ministry of deliverance is a part of our heritage as sons and daughters of God.

“The kind of fasting I want is this: Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed go free… If you put an end to oppression, to every gesture of contempt, and to every evil word; if you give food to the hungry and satisfy those who are in need, then the darkness around you will turn to the brightness of noon… You will be known as the people who rebuilt the walls, who restored the ruined houses.” Isaiah 58:6, 9b, 10, 12b

1. God expects us to free people.

John 14:15, 15:10, 20:21, Acts 1:8, Luke 9:1-2

2. God expects us to demonstrate compassion.

50% of those under 30 years of age have been physically abused.
40% of women under 30 have been sexually abused.
“Dysfunctional” describes most families
New Age, cults, occult, false religions abound

These people need help.

3. Deliverance ministry will help your faith in Christ grow dramatically.

It is an incredible thing to be involved with doing what we know we cannot do in our own strength! As we go after the gates of Hades, we will see the power of Christ!

“Christianity is fun.” Doris Wagner