Friday, November 18, 2005

SECTION FOUR: Getting and Staying Free From Demons

We’ve raised a number of important issues in this study – all of which are very personal and close to home. In fact, some of the points are fairly frightening, unless we move to the next step – getting free and staying free from demons. And as believers, we can be EXCEEDINGLY CONFIDENT that we have what it takes in Christ to effect deliverance and to live free, both for those we minister to, and for ourselves.

Experiencing deliverance
1. Honesty
One must be honest with himself and with God in order to receive God’s blessing of deliverance. Refusing to own up to our sin and brokenness is to stay in the darkness (1 John 1:6) and to deny God the opportunity to heal us. Any sin not confessed or repented of gives the demon spirits a legal right to remain.

Psalms 32:5
Psalms 139:23-24

2. Humility
Humility recognizes that one is dependent upon God and His provisions for dependence.

James 4:6-7
James 5:16

3. Repentance
Repentance is a determined walking away from sin. God works powerfully in an atmosphere of true repentance! So long as we romance and make excuses for our sin, God cannot work. We must come to a place where we see sin for what it is, and truly hate it! See Ezekiel 20:43

The great thing is that repentance comes from our right relationship with God. Because of His kindness, we repent. See Romans 2:4b

4. Renunciation
Renunciation is evidence that one has genuinely repented. It is the action that follows repentance. When I repent of drunkenness, renunciation is demonstrated by the action of no longer drinking alcohol.

Matthew 3:7-8

If one is repenting of lust, he destroys the pornography – or sets up – a ‘porn-free’ filter on his computer.

If one is repenting of false religions, she destroys the literature and paraphernalia of that religion.

Renunciation is a practical act that demonstrates repentance. See Acts 19:18-19

Dr. Neil Anderson’s book, The Bondage Breaker (ISBN 0736902414), provides a very excellent set of renunciation statements breaking the connection that happens in the spirit world between you and demonic through false religions/world-views.

5. Forgiveness (This step cannot be skipped or avoided)
God freely forgives all who confess openly their sin and seek forgiveness through Christ Jesus. See 1 John 1:9

He also expects us as recipients of forgiveness to grant forgiveness to those who have harmed us. See Matthew 6:14-15

To seek after deliverance requires that we not only receive His forgiveness, but that we grant forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of unforgiveness and to enable you to willfully choose to grant forgiveness.

6. Prayer
Ask God to deliver you and to set you free.

Joel 2:32

7. Warfare against the enemy
Prayer and warfare are two separate activities. Prayer is to God. Warfare is against the enemy.

Our warfare is spiritual in nature – See Ephesians 6:10-12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Use the weapons of…
- Our submission to God – James 4:7
- The Word of God – Ephesians 6:17
- The Blood of Christ - Revelation 12:11

Identify the spirits, address them by name in a commanding voice, and in faith command them to go in the name of Jesus.

Enter the battle with determination and assurance of victory. Christ cannot fail, He is the Deliverer!

Mark 16:17
Luke 10:19
Psalms 18:2


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